“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.”
“Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.” - Janis Joplin
We are all looking for direction and the road that will best take us to our desired destination. Our desire to manifest our goals through a single path can often be self-limiting. When we attempt to walk down a rigid line, we are easily shaken by the many pivots that life throws at us. This means that when life takes its natural twists and turns, we end up feeling that something is wrong, and can even abandon our goals entirely.
Letting go of our preconceived pathways is a freedom. It is incredibly uplifting to shift our way of seeing our lives from a linear journey to an open play space. In open spaces, there is no one “right” direction to take. Instead there is exploration and creativity, which can lead to unexplored areas of success.
Working with a coaching provides a safe space to explore the areas where you currently set limitations and how to take to open them up. What pathways are you holding onto? Where do you want to go?